Erikoissijoitusrahasto Fennica Toimitilat I acquires Turku High Tech Centre II office property.

Real estate
Privately owned
December 2019
Aventum Real Estate acted as the sole financial advisor to the seller in the transaction where Erikoissijoitusrahasto Fennica Toimitilat I acquired Turku High Tech Centre II office property. Turku High Tech Centre II is a multi-tenant office property with an attractive location in constantly developing Kupittaa area in Turku. The modern office building was constructed in 2004 and its leasable area totals ca. 4,000 sq m. The occupancy rate of Turku High Tech Centre II is 100% and its main tenants are Grano, Oracle Finland and Kesko. Aventum executed a well-structured, targeted sales process during which a selected group of primarily domestic investors were contacted. Following the process, the property was sold to Erikoissijoitusrahasto Fennica Toimitilat I, a Finnish property fund managed by Fennia Varainhoito Oy. The transaction was signed and closed in November 2019. The purchase price was not disclosed.

For further information on the transaction please contact

Kim Lönnroth

Kim Lönnroth

+358 40 834 0586